If you love your health, LoveRaw!

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Were Did It All Begin?

Founded by former investment banker Rimi, who worked long hours with little job satisfaction. Something had to change, her path led her to the greener pastures of Andalucia, Spain where she discovered an alternative Lifestyle. A world of Organic Food, regular local Farmers Markets and an overall healthier outlook on Life.

Whilst travelling there was always a growing frustration with the lack of healthy food made from Clean Ingredients that caters for Gluten, Wheat and Dairy intolerance's. Or unnecessary ingredients such as grains, soy and added sugar.

Rimi created healthy recipes for family, friends and along the way discovered Super-Foods paired with their Poten Health Benefits. LoveRaw just made Sense.

Four delicous flavoursMade with Love

Product Title Lorum Ipsum Doluce Okay
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Product Title Lorum Ipsum Doluce Okay
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Product Title Lorum Ipsum Doluce Okay
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Product Title Lorum Ipsum Doluce Okay
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The Science:Why Raw?

Gluten Free

Dairy Free

Wheat Free

Soy Free

No Added Sugar

Low GI

When you heat food above 46°C you lose at least 30% of the nutrients and 100% of the enzymes. Cooking food can change the molecular structure creating toxins and free radicals.

We believe in living, unprocessed, organic food! You should eat food as close as possible to its natural state. At LoveRaw we slow dry at 38°C, keeping food at its optimal nutritional value. Organic raw food is the most nutritionally dense; it’s the best way to get your vitamins, minerals and goodness. Which in turn gives you more energy, better focus and overall health.

Raw food also alkalises the body, which is very important for us. Our body requires 80% alkaline and 20% acidic food balance. Alkaline foods give you energy, reverse disease, and keeps us looking younger.